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New Helpdesk info


0300 131 6750



The way to raise jobs and make FM or Workplace enquiries will not really change much for a customer in the first phase of our go-live.


You will still be able to speak to your FM or Workplace staff on site, as you always have, as well as being able to call an innovative helpdesk, which will have a new and well-promoted phone number. * 
The new number will be 0300 131 6750
.  This will replace the existing 0870 191 3844 number, although the existing number will still connect for the immediate future.


A new webspace for raising and monitoring jobs will also go live to all customers from April 1 at this address:


You can also access that link via this QR code:




This will replace existing Mitie/DfT and Defra helpdesks and mean that, instead of having multiple and potentially conflicting access channels, there will be one place where all jobs are opened, monitored and closed. This will make things simpler for users and remove the potential for delays. 
This means that: 

  • Requests will be raised through the new online portal (from April 1) and/or by calling the ISS FM helpdesk (from February 1) – not by email. 

  • Any request categorised as A, B, or C (‘Critical’, ‘Emergency’,‘Urgent’) should only be submitted via phone.  Requests categorised as A, B or C will NOT be selectable by the customer on the self-service webspace, to ensure that these are handled in real-time via a call to the Helpdesk, for the purpose of escalation and rapid response by the appropriate designated workgroup. 

  • Customers will still be able to go to their onsite FM representative (Defra and ISS) to report an issue. However, this will be logged using the helpdesk, or in due course on the webspace. It might be that your onsite contact will explain the new ways of working and ask individuals to use the helpdesk, or in due course access the new webspace. 


  • We all recognise that this might be a change for some of our users, so we will be asking onsite staff to support our customers  through the transitioand help them raise jobs in an appropriate way. We do not want to enforce this change from day-one but take some time to let everyone get used to the new ways of working. 


  • Our onsite teams will be trained on these new ways of working ahead of our go-live periods to put them in a position to help from day one.  

* I
f you are based at a site where the landlord provides the FM Services (not MITIE or ISS) then your
DEFRA FM contact remains the same and the new helpdesk arrangement through ISS does not apply. 

If your query relates specifically to waste collection/management, please contact
You can see below how jobs will be categorised by the helpdesk. 
Category            Call Type            Description 
A                             Critical                 Matters giving rise to an immediate health and safety,

                                                              business critical or security risk 

B                             Emergency         Matters that prevent or severely restrict the Authority from

                                                              conducting normal operations 

C                             Urgent                  Matters that impinge upon the proper working of the facilities

                                                              in relation to all users 

 D                            Routine                Matters of a routine nature 

 E                            Billable Works     New Work, general change or cosmetic requests. 

 F                             Consumables     Requests for restocking of toilet or other consumables 

G                            Equipment          All requests for assistance with equipment which is in-scope

                                                              or problems at conferences, meetings etc 

 H                            Small Moves       Requests for the booking of porters or drivers 

 I                             Couriers               Requests for Couriers to provide a service 

 J                             Complaint           A failure in delivery of any service, at any time 

K                             Ad hoc                Matters of an Ad hoc or unplanned nature which DO NOT require an                                                                    enhanced response above that of Routine 

 L                            Uncompleted    A Scheduled task not completed as announced / described

                               task                      requiring a higher than Routine response 

 M                           Call Back             A failure in delivery of any service, which requires a re-attendance of the                                                               technician to complete the task satisfactorily 

 N                           Reprographics   A request for Reprographics Service

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